
Benefits of Outsourcing Tech Support

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Benefits of Outsourcing Tech Support

I used to have my own in-house tech support. You would think that that would make things run more smoothly, but it really didn’t. It was expensive, and my company really didn’t have the budget to maintain it. However, we couldn’t go without tech support either. I did some research and discovered that I could outsource our tech support for a fraction of the cost. What really surprised me was that things started running more smoothly than they ever did with in-house support. The company that I hired to provide tech support was really on the ball, and they often solved problems in half the time that our in-house team took. I’m so glad that we were able to make the switch.

3 Reasons To Use Surety Rather Than Cash Bail Bonds

If you need to raise bail, then you might not be sure whether to pay a cash bond or whether to use a bail bondsman's surety service. If you can afford to pay cash, then this might seem like the best solution; however, surety bonds have additional advantages.

Why choose a surety bail bonds deal over cash? 

1. Surety Bail Bonds Are More Affordable

If you want to pay a cash bond, then you need fast access to potentially large sums of money. You have to pay all of your bond fees at once in cash. If you don't have this money, then you can't use this option.

Surety bail bonds are more affordable. Here, a bail bonds company stands surety for your release and subsequent court appearances. They pay your bail, and you pay them a percentage of this amount.

So, for example, if your bail bondsman charges 10%, then you pay 10% of your bail costs to the company. This is a cheaper option than finding a large amount of upfront cash.

2. Surety Bonds Can Be Quicker to Arrange

Don't assume that cash bonds are the fastest way to get released from jail. They can be your quickest bail route; however, this only works if you have instant access to the right amount of money. If you have to wait to access money or have to ask friends and family for help, then your wait for bail will be longer.

Often, a surety bond works faster. Once you pay your percentage fee, your bail bondsman arranges bail for you. You could be out on bail a lot faster.

3. Surety Bonds Don't Tie Up Your Money

If you pay a cash bond, then the courts take all your bond money and keep it for the duration of your court case or court appearances. As long as you meet all your attendance and behavior conditions, you get your bond money back at the end of the prosecution process minus any applicable court costs.

However, you don't get an instant payback here. It can take a while for your payment to be released. If you've already had to wait a long time for your case to be heard, then your cash will be tied up for even longer. You can't access it while it is in the court system.

If you use a surety bond, then you don't lose access to your cash during this time. You pay down a smaller amount to get a release. You can hang on to any other cash you have.

To learn more about these and other surety bond information, contact bail bond companies.